Advantages and disadvantages of a ring network topology

In a ring topology each network device is connected to two others to form as part of a closed loop. The most common cable type used when constructing a ring topology network today is unshielded twisted pair using token ring.

Token ring can be used over shielded or unshielded twisted pair. Typically, older installations used shielded twisted pair. Newer installations can take advantage of unshielded twisted pair.

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What is a mesh topology in networks

In a mesh topology, each network device is connected to every other network device. The most common use for a mesh topology is in the design of Wide Area Networks (WANs).

The most common communication connectivity device used in a mesh network is a leased or dedicated line such as a T1, frame relay or other high bandwidth connection.

Mesh networks have distinct advantages:

  1. Fault tolerant: Since each network device has multiple connectivity routes, the device can reroute if a failure on the primary route is down.
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What is a bus topology network advantages and problems?

In a bus topology, each network device is connected to a cable backbone. The most common cable used to create a backbone is coaxial. 10Base2 (thinnet) and 10Base5 (thicknet) are used to create the backbone function.

A bus topology requires that each network device share the same network connection, the backbone. When a packet is sent on the backbone, each of the network devices reads the packet header and determines if it is destined for itself. Each network device needs to see all the traffic on the backbone to work properly.

There are several advantages when a bus network is used. They are as follows:

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