Bob Parsons – Parson’s Technology Virucide

This is an interesting ad that appeard in May of 1992. I can’t remember if we sold the ad or it was a swap for a product. I do remember that Parson’s Technology was quickly becoming a large software house. For the life of me I couldn’t remember Virucide.

I was able to find a press release discussing the new version.

Here is the advertisement:


Categorized as Technology

Interview with Jack Kilday, PC Board Sysop

interview-jack-kilday-sysop-photoOriginally published on September 26, 1995.

Jack Kilday is but a sysop. He is such a wonderful sysop that he has come to the forefront of PCBoard sysops. Jack is well known for his simple, basic approach to attaching PCBoard to the internet. For almost nothing Jack can show you how to do it.

In fact, that’s why we interviewed Jack. Not so much for his technical knowledge, but for his unselfishness of sharing it with everyone. Jack is a true sysop.

PG:  Many people in the world of PCBoard look up to you as a cutting edge sysop. Describe your PCBoard setup. Why did you move your BBS to the internet?

Categorized as Technology

Review of MicroCourier by Microcom

This review was originally published in June of 1992. It’s a fascinating look at how people connected online prior to the internet. One of the things I had forgotten was the ability to use modems across a network. You could actually map your com port a modem on the network. With the proliferation of broadband and routers this became unnecessary.

Two commercial packages released within two weeks of each other promise to whip Windows into shape, so that seamless communications in Windows becomes a reality.

Categorized as Technology