Familiarity with playing cards and card games can be of tremendous educational and psychological benefit to children, and offers them immediate pleasure as well as lasting advantages. Child psychologists recognize the importance of bringing parents and children together on terms of equality, and this is most easily accomplished when they play card games together. An interest in playing cards stimulates a child’s recognition of letters, forms and numbers, and later helps teach him to count. Children who have learned to amuse themselves with card games become more self-sufficient. In later years, of course, this same familiarity with card games will be a social asset to them.
Category: Games
How to play anagrams word game
Any number from two to eight can play anagrams. A set of 200 anagram tiles is needed, each bearing a letter on one side.
If you do not have a set of tiles, you can substitute two sets of Scrabble tiles or make your own from 3 x 5 index cards. Cut the cards into eighths and print a letter on one side of each piece. The number of tiles for each letter should be roughly in proportion to the frequency that the letter is used in English. Here is one way of doing it:
How to play the casino game
The object is to capture cards from the table. A game ends after playing the sixth deal-the player with the highest number of points wins-or after one player reaches 21 points.
Deal two cards to your opponent, the table (face up), and yourself, then repeat. After each hand, deal eight more the same way, but none to the table. At the beginning of the sixth deal, you must say, “Last.”
During play, an ace counts as 1; numbered cards, face value. Face cards can only be played as pairs.