Free How to Prepare Camera Ready Art

Camera ready art is the lifeblood of publishing. This free guide shows you what to do.

“Camera ready” means just what it says. Your copy must be ready for the printer to photograph. From this photograph, he prints as many copies as you want. Don’t expect him to shrink or enlarge your copy, or any part of it. He can’t except by special arrangement and costs.

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How to buy and sell at auctions

Most auction houses are in large cities, but their services are available to everyone. Buyers can bid by phoning or writing or by hiring an agent for a modest fee.

Auction houses regularly publish catalogs of upcoming sales, and you can subscribe to those of particular interest, such as antiques, stamps, and art. The descriptions in these catalogs, however, are sometimes suspect as to condition of the items and other vital factors. So are the “expected prices” the items may fetch.

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What is bankruptcy and how do you go bankrupt

If you are overwhelmed by stacks of bills and cannot honestly cope with them, don’t despair. Bankruptcy offers legal help, providing you haven’t used it in the past 6 years and haven’t hidden or given away assets in the past year to keep them from your creditors. With the advice of a lawyer, you can choose between two types of bankruptcy: liquidation, or straight bankruptcy, and rehabilitation.

To begin proceedings, you must file forms with the clerk of a US. bankruptcy court and pay a fee. The clerk can direct you to the proper forms.

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