Industrial painting as a career choice

Hitting the random button directed me to the RMV page. The first entry was Registry of Motor Vehicles, so I took it. My photo search for the whole name showed nothing. I then moved to Motor Vehicles and received 20 hits. Woot, our first go at this!

I  settled on the following photo by Alfred Palmer:


Imagine being a young, talented man. Your talent comes out in painting. Your creations inspire others, and cause a wellspring of emotion to flow from your family. The war is on and it’s time to do your part. The army has the perfect job for you, painter. Will you be creating portraits? Will you be documenting history’s finest moments?

What is wrong with the united states

The random shot took me to an article about George Doyle, an Irish football player. In the US that would be soccer player. There we no George Doyle photos, so I dumped it to Doyle and found four photos.

I liked this one from the Office of War, 1943:


What you are witnessing are three things that would come to spell trouble for the United States. Take a close look at this photo and you’ll see them for what they are.

How to isolate and quarantine tuberculosis tb patients

Today’s random shot from wikipedia was the American College of Chest Physicians. Now, that is a subject that the photo database should have tons on.

I plugged in American College of Chest Physicians and received no photos. I ran it all the way down to Physicians, but would have liked to run chest. Anyway, I settled on this photo:


I knew I had tuberculosis. The previous summer I spent time knocking around with the local bootlegger and his gang. Tight quarters, showering every month and the open life had set me up with the disease. When Doc Algason told me I had tuberculosis I didn’t believe him. Old Doc told me I had to isolate myself, but I am not made of money.