On Friday, April 1st Leonard Little was found not guilty of drunken driving. This ended his second round of drunken driving charges. This time he was lucky. If Leonard Little was found guilty he would have probably gone to jail.
The prosecution blames Missouri State Law for the loss. Leonard Little should be thanking his lawyer.
From what was presented in the press it seems like Leonard Little being found innocent would be a slam dunk:
- Jurors weren’t told of his previous drunken driving conviction that ended up with the death of Susan Gutweiler. This would have played a huge part in showing that he’s driven drunk before.
- Officer Keneth Andreski’s, the primary officer’s backup, testimony contradicted the arresting officer in saying that Little didn’t appear to be drunk.
Because Little refused the breathalyzer at the Ladue police station he lost his license for a year. Small price to pay when you look at possible jail time.