I don’t claim to be a college football expert, but one can clearly see that Notre Dame will be USC this weekend. USC has shown nothing but a lack of discipline during the start of football games. Against a Charlie Wies coached Notre Dame team, they’re going to quickly find out that natural talent won’t get them back in the ball game.

Everyone is chiming in with their thoughts on how to beat USC. Ralph Russo does, too. He says there are 5 keys for Notre Dame to beat USC:

  • Multidimensional: This one pretty much goes for any college team, not just the ones playing USC. You know you’re going to need to score often, so mix it up including bombs, trick plays and grinding football. Don’t let the USC defense get into a rhythm.
  • Zero turnovers: Again, pretty much any team would need to do this, but more so with Notre Dame. If they can hold onto the ball they may win the time of possession game, which in the long run is going to win.
  • Containment: The Notre Dame defense needs to eliminate the big play strike of USC. This is critical to ensure they can execute their offensive game plan of ball control.

I’ll say it now … Notre Dame will beat USC by three points.