Has there even been something more sinister sounding that really isn’t that bad as horse collar tackling? Horse collar tackling is when a defender uses their arms to bring a player down but makes contact with the neck.
The NFL is making this move in terms of player safety, but they are still allowing horse collar tackles in the backfield. It’s only in the open field where they are banned.
This should be called the Roy Williams rule as the Cowboys safety was featured in the video shown to the owners:
“But at the March owners’ meetings in Hawaii, Williams was involved in three of the four plays shown to owners and media. The other showed Green Bay’s Hannibal Navies tackling Carolina receiver Steve Smith, who suffered a broken ankle.”
Williams said:
“We might as well just let people score.”
There was an even more telling quote from Cliff Harris, a former Cowboy:
“I look at some of the receivers that run down the field, and they have their chin strap undone. That’s how far the game has come because there’s no fear of being hit anymore.”