Where to find vitamins in what you eat food

Getting the quantities you need; vitamin sources

Vitamins help your body to process other nutrients; form red blood cells, connective tissue, and hormones; and generally maintain good health. If you eat well-balanced meals (see Menu planning) and have no unusual medical needs, your vitamin intake should be adequate. But if you don’t regularly eat all the recommended servings from the Basic Four Food Groups or you are on a weight-loss diet of less than 1,200 calories a day, consider taking a multivitamin pill that supplies the U.S. government-set Recommended Daily Allowances {RDA) of the B vitarnins and C.

A deficiency of any vitamin can cause health problems. Megadoses (10 times the RDA) of niacin,. folac in, A, C, D, and E can also be harmful.

To get maximum vitamin potential, buy fresh produce and process foods lightly. Retain fruit and vegetable skins. Steam vegetables, cook them in minimal water, or stir-fry them.

A (Reti nol) Liver; eggs, milk products; fortified margarine; yellow, orange, and dark-green vegetables

Thiamin (31) Pork; liver; oysters; whole grains: brewer’s yeast; green peas

Riboflavin (32) Liver; milk; dark-green vegetables; whole grains; mushrooms

Niacin (03) Liver; poultry; meat; tuna; nuts; legumes

Pyridoxine (0) Whole grains; liver; avocados; spinach; bananas

Cobalamin (B12) Liver; kidneys; meat: fish; eggs; milk; oysters

Folic acid Liver; kidneys; dark-

(Folacin) green leafy vegetables; wheat germ; brewer’s yeast

Pantothenic Liver; kidneys; whole

acid grains; nuts; eggs; dark-green vegetables; yeast


C (Ascorbic acid)

Citrus fruits; tomatoes; strawberries; melons; dark-green vegetables

Egg yolk; liver; kidneys; dark-green vegetables; green beans

D (Calcilerol) Fortified milk; egg yolk; liver; tuna; salmon

E (Tocopherol) Vegetable oils; whole grains; liver; dried beans

K Green leafy vegetables; vegetables in cabbage family