What to do about fainting; how to treat fainting

Faintness (a weak, light-headed, unsteady feeling) precedes fainting (loss of consciousness). The cause is usually a temporarily diminished supply of blood, and thus oxygen, to the brain. Shock, great pain, or acute stress can bring on a faint, as can ordinary events-standing after stooping, getting winded, skipping meals.

To get over a faint feeling and avoid fainting, lie down with legs raised or sit and put your head between your knees until the feeling passes.

If you notice someone fainting, break his fall, and lay the person down on his back. Raise his legs. Usually hell revive in a few minutes. If unconsciousness lasts any longer, get medical help. If he’s not breathing and has no pulse, in addition begin CPR.

Raise him gradually; otherwise he may faint again. Determine whether there are any symptoms that may indicate the need for prompt medical attention. Even if consciousness returns quickly, the person should see a doctor.