What is excessive ovarian action treatment

Excessive secretion of glandular materials from the ovary is manifested most often by disturbances of the usual rhythmical functions of women. The disturbance may be reflected in abnormal bleeding, frequent bleeding, excessive bleeding, or similar symptoms. Whenever there is irregularity in the duration or frequency of flow, a careful examination should be made to find out the cause.

Of course, bleeding is a serious symptom whenever it occurs from any portion of the body. Any bleeding before the child has matured or after the cessation of the regular flow is an indication which demands immediate study. In over half of such cases the necessity for determining the presence of any serious growth is obvious.

Excessive action of the ovary before the time of maturation into adolescence is manifested by bleeding, associated with excessive development of the breasts and premature establishment of growth of hair under the arms and on the sex organs. Rapid growth of the skeleton and, occasionally, an interest in the opposite sex which is far above the normal may occur. All this is called “precocious puberty.”

Any time the rhythmical flow is established before the age of ten, an investigation should be made. As in the case of men, the presence of tumors can cause excessive activity of any glandular organ, including the female sex glands.

As was previously mentioned, the mechanism for the process of reproduction is in women quite complicated. It begins with the coming of glandular materials from the pituitary gland which, in turn, stimulate the ovary to produce its egg cell regularly every twenty-eight days. Following the production of this cell, the ovary produces another hormone. This, in turn, is associated with the activity of the uterus. Hence any excessive activity of any portion of the glandular chain will bring about definite changes in the body of the woman concerned. The conditions are now known to be reflected in changes in the temperature of the woman and also in such changes as the pigmentation of the skin, the growth of hair on various portions of the body, irregular bleeding and many other symptoms. The one which concerns women most is, of course, bleeding. In the treatment of such bleeding a variety of hormones are used, depending on the nature of the condition, the time when it occurs, and the facts that are determined by the doctor following his examination.