Depressive reactions can occur under other circumstances than the reproductive ones, such as menstruation and delivery. Some individuals (for reasons that often become clear only when their whole life history is reviewed) may be subject to recurrent bouts of depression. There are some families in which several members may from time to time be afflicted with fairly severe depressions. Some of these troublesome depressions are associated with feelings of inferiority, self-blame, and self-attack, deep feelings of pessimism about life and the desirability of living, etc. Depressive reactions of this sort can be brought about by any of a great number of major events and having a baby is only one of them.
Drugs may be helpful in at least alleviating such depressive states, but when there is a pattern of recurrent depressions some form of psychotherapy may well be the answer and provide a more permanent and superior solution. The aim in psychotherapy is for the patient to find out why he or she has feelings of inadequacy, poor self-esteem, convictions of unworthiness, and other similar ideas which often form the basis for depression. Psychotherapy may take time and is frequently quite expensive, nevertheless there are circumstances in which it is wise to consider it, or at least discuss the possibility of such treatment with a physician.