Medical problems with weight reduction

Anyone who is much overweight and who is serious about reducing should begin with a thorough examination by the doctor which will cover heart, lungs, glands, height, weight, blood pressure, condition of the blood and similar factors. A careful study of the urine should be made for presence of albumin and sugar, to rule out nephritis or diabetes. The doctor will want to get at the patient’s emotional condition and any psychologic conditions that may be responsible for the overeating. Dr. Edward Rynearson says a “will-power-pill” is needed, by which he means to emphasize the necessity that the person really want to reduce. By wise counsel, the doctor can support the patient’s motivation.

At first cutting down the calories results in some loss of energy and drive, but this is less noticeable as the program continues. The loss of weight is most noticeable during the first few weeks when the basal metabolic rate of the patient readjusts itself to the lessened food intake and when there may be quite a reduction in water that is held in the body. Because of the depression and fatigue first noticed, some physicians recommend that the patient on a dietary reduction regime have some Benzedrine, not only to help his spirits but also because such drugs tend to diminish appetite.Reduction in the intake of salt results in a prompt loss of water from the body and therefore rapid loss of weight, but this is not significant as far as fat is concerned. Actually the body gets rid of water beyond that needed for its proper functioning, and the patient on weight reduction should not unduly restrict his intake of water.

Young people can reduce more easily than older ones. Because patients may be depressed by failure to observe large reductions, some physicians recommend that the patient be weighed only once each week.