How to write an official resignation letter?

If you are resigning from a company where you’ve held a position of some responsibility or where you’ve worked for a long time, a letter of resignation is appropriate. Set your letter up as you would any business letter.

Address it to the president of a small organization or, if the company is large, to the director of personnel. In either case, send a copy to your immediate supervisor.

Your letter should state your intention to resign and give the date your resignation will be effective. It should give the reason for your resignation. And it should express appreciation for the experience you have gained on the job, the opportunities you have been offered, or the good friends you have made. In addition, you may want to modestly mention some of your accomplishments in order to jog your employer’s memory if he is asked to recommend you for another position sometime in the future.

As you write your letter, bear in mind that it will become a permanent part of your personnel file. As such, it may be made available to a great many people – from future employers to government agencies wishing to check you for security clearance. Therefore, if you are leaving your job under less than favorable circumstances, word your letter carefully. If a company re-organization left you with a job you didn’t like, you may refer to the situation in a tactful manner, but avoid angry statements, sarcasm, or name-calling; they will almost surely come back to haunt you. Search for positive things to say about your job experience, and leave the door open for future good relations.