How to take a good nap

Napping is a simple, effective way to relax. It will refresh you, helping you stay alert during the rest of the day. Don’t fight it. The midday drowsiness that used to be attributed to digesting lunch is now recognized as a natural part of our body’s rhythms.

You’ll find that a short afternoon nap is especially restful. Naps taken in the morning are usually lighter sleep. Naps taken in the early evening, on the other hand, will probably only cause you to postpone your regular bedtime.

Sleeping isn’t necessary for a good nap. Merely lying down and resting can be just as restorative, and might be easier if you work in a busy office.

A good nap need only be 15 to 20 minutes long. Make sure you keep your nap to under an hour. Longer naps will leave you groggy. Napping isn’t for everyone. People who have trouble getting to sleep at night will find that napping worsens the problem. Others will find it hard to wake completely from a midday nap.