How to repair turntables fix

Turntables replacing faulty parts

A turntable platter rotates at 78, 45, or 331/4 revolutions per minute by direct drive (a drive wheel and rubber rollers) or by belt drive.

Rubber drive wheels arid rollers harden with age and lose their full capacity to grip. When components deteriorate, the turntable’s speeds are affected; records sound distorted. To check the speed, chalk a point on the edge of a record and one on the chassis near the platter. Line them up, then turn on the phonograph. Clock how many times the two points meet during 1 minute.

In replacing any part of a turntable, use an exact duplicate or a substitute that is recommended by the manufacturer: consult the owner’s manual.

Unplug the phonograph. Remove the platter by prying the C-clip from the spindle with needle-nose pliers and lifting the spindle out; lift the platter from the chassis.

On a direct drive, the drive wheel is held to the chassis by a C-clip that clutches a drive shaft. While grasping the clip with needle-nose pliers, pry it from the shaft with a small screwdriver. Note the positions of the washers above and below the wheel so that you can replace them correctly.

To replace a broken or stretched belt, remove the turntable platter and wrap a replacement belt around the pulley and the rim under the turntable platter. Reinstall the platter.