Wood shingles, if properly laid and of a durable species, will provide a satisfactory exterior wall covering with considerable insulating value.
For side walls, they should be vertical or edge-grained, decay-resistant heartwood, such as Western red cedar, Tidewater red cypress, or California redwood, except where a double coursing is used. In the latter case, flat-grained shingles may be used for the under course as a matter of economy.
Usual lengths of wood shingles for use on outside walls are 16, 18, and 24 inches, widths from 3 to 14 inches, and thickness, measured at the butt end, about 1/2 inch. For side walls, the recommended exposures vary from 6 to 11 inches for single coursing and from 8 to 16 inches for double coursing, depending upon the lengths of the shingles being applied.
Wood shingles are usually stained to obtain the desired color effects.