How to prepare and deliver a speech effectively? What are some public speaking tips?

In planning a speech, consider your audience. Who are they? Why is your topic of interest to them? How much might they already know about it? at is the relationship between you and your audience? Jot down these and related considerations and keep them in mind as you proceed.

To organize your speech, write down the three or four main points you want your audience to remember {more than that may diffuse your message). Summarize each idea in a single, clear sentence, then group pertinent information around each idea. Facts and statistics may be important to your topic, but dramatic stories involving real people will also have great impact on your audience. Consider whether visual aids will make certain points more effectively.

Write your speech, using words and sentences that are short and clear. Don’t clutter it with unnecessary professional and technical jargon. Write down the main points on 3 x 5 cards.

Rehearse the speech, and time your delivery to match the allotted minutes. Practice in front of your family or a friend: ask for honest feedback. If you can, practice with the audio-visual equipment you intend to use.

If possible, visit the auditorium be-forehand. Familiarize yourself with the space, the acoustics, and the technical equipment. If publicity is to be mailed, check it for accuracy concerning the description, content, slant, and duration of your talk.

Speak slowly and loudly. Stand in a relaxed manner: your feet slightly apart, your hands at your side. Your enthusiasm and interest, reflected by your intonation, will help hold the audience’s interest. Make eye contact with your audience whenever possible. Try not to read your speech; refer to an outline or to your 3 x 5 cards.

Don’t let pre-performance jitters upset you. Its common. Some simple calisthenics or meditation may help prepare you physically and mentally.