To create a rag doll you need only fabric scraps, soft stuffing, thread, yarn, embroidery floss or felt-tip markers, and leftover trimmings.
Make a grid of 1-inch squares and enlarge the doll pattern to 13 inches. Trace the pattern twice onto pale pink, beige, or brown fabric. On the right side of one head, pencil in facial features.
Embroider the mouth with a backstitch; use a stem stitch for the eyebrows; fill in the eyes and nose with satin stitch. Or draw the face with felt-tip markers.
Cut out the bodies. With right sides together, sew a 1/4-inch seam all around with a machine or backstitch; leave an opening on one side. Clip curves; turn the doll right side out.
Stuff the body with old panty hose cut into small pieces, polyester fiber-fill, or shredded foam. Use a pencil eraser to pack the stuffing tightly into arms and legs. Slipstitch the opening closed.
For hair, cut lengths of yarn-6 inches long for a boy, 18 inches for a girl-and lay them side by side on a piece of paper until they measure 3 inches across. Stitch through the center of the strands, then again 1 1/2 inches on each side of the center. Tear away the paper backing. Following the lines of machine stitches, sew the hair to the back and top of the head and to each side of it with back-stitches. Braid the girl’s hair or gather it into pigtails with ribbon.
Enlarge the clothing patterns on a 1-inch grid. Trace them onto fabric and add ΒΌ -inch seam allowances. Cut them out and sew them, leaving a 2-inch opening at the top center back of each garment. Close the opening with a tiny hook and eye. Hem all edges or cover them with trimmings. Make suspenders out of ribbon, seam tape, or fabric scraps. Add other trimmings if you like.