How to make a wall drop leaf table

When space is at a premium, make a drop leaf wall table. This may be any convenient size, arranged to fold away when not in use. There are many other places where this space-saving device is excellent throughout the house.

Hardwood is most satisfactory for the top, while for the rest you may utilize any soft, well-seasoned wood. The size of hardwood boards for the top depends upon how large you want the table to be. Cut to size and glue together, or glue and join with dowels for greater strength. Cut a narrow piece to be placed nearest the wall and join with hinges to the other boards. Glue and screw battens toward the underside of the table top to act like drawer stops to keep the bracket arms in place when the table top is horizontal. You will need also two upright wall cleats and a top wall cleat, two bracket uprights, two bracket arms, and tow diagonal bracket braces.

Cut the two uprights the proper length for the height you wish the completed table, measuring from the top of the baseboard. Nail these in place to the wall studs. Set the horizontal top cleat along the wall and, after making sure it is level, nail in place. To make the first bracket, miter together the bracket uprights and arms. Cut a diagonal to the exact length for the slanting side of the right-angled triangle and miter the ends. These should be glued and screwed for firmness. Test to be certain that the top of the bracket is level with the floor because your table top will rest upon it. Make a second bracket like the first. (For a small table, one bracket will be sufficient.)

Attach these brackets with hinges to the uprights in such a way that they will swing out and back to hold the table top. If the table top is very wide, the bracket supports should be double-hinged to fold back on themselves. In this way, they take up less space.