Learn the water-skier’s safety code and the water-skiing signals needed to communicate with the towboat. For safety, wear a Coast Guard-approved flotation device designed for water-skiing.
Water skis are made of laminated wood or fiberglass and come in varying lengths for children and adults. Their rubber foot bindings stretch when you fall, releasing your feet.
The motor boat should be able to travel 15 to 35 m.p.h. Use a 75-foot certified towline of 1/4-inch diamond-braid polypropylene.
Practicing on shore
Wet your feet and the ski bindings. Slip your foot into the front half of the binding while holding down the heel portion. Pull up the heel piece and adjust the binding’s sliding portion.
On shore, crouch on your skis with feet flat and shoulder-width apart, knees to your chest, and arms extended forward outside your knees. As you hold the towline handle, have someone gradually draw the towline taut. Keep your feet flat, knees bent, arms and back straight, head up: let the line pull you to a stand. Practice until you have mastered this motion.
Start in waist-deep water; let your flotation device support you. Grasp the tow handle, crouch as before, and keep your ski tips slightly above water. As the boat idles forward and the line becomes tight, you begin moving.
When the rope is tight, yell “Hit itr The driver will accelerate gradually. Maintain the crouch, and as the skis begin to plane, straighten up slowly. To stop, release the towline and sink into the water.