It’s a good idea to buy rivets which are the correct length. Add to the thickness of the materials to be riveted together a distance equal to about two times the thickness of the rivet. This will give you, under any circumstances, the over-all length of the rivet to be used. If your aluminum rivets are too long you can easily cut them down with a pair of pliers or saw them shorter in a vise. A quick method of getting the right size rivet hole is to check the shank of your twist driagainst the body of your rivet. They should be the same size.
Place your rivet in the hole with the rivet head on a solid steel surface. This can be the head of a hammer held in a vise, or a steel stake as shown here.
Measure these for length carefully. Remember that the top angle track must be ?W inch above the bottom of the top “Y” channel (see section c-c of detail drawing). If your walls are of plastic tile just drill pilot holes through both the aluminum angle and the tile. Then insert self-tapping screws. You can secure a tighter bond with some tile cement applied to the aluminum angle also. The aluminum corner braces 2 x 2 inches) can be riveted or -screwed into place with self-tapping screws; the protruding ends can be nipped off, filed, and sanded.
The top track is installed last. Mark and cut it carefully. Then mark the location of holes for the corner braces and fasten them into place.
Since the position of the door handles is important, mark their location with the doors in place. Then remove the doors, mark and drill, and rivet the handles to the doors.
Use a file first on any edges which are rough or need to be rounded. Follow the filing with sandpaper and fine steel wool. Light rubbing with fine steel wool will leave a bright, uniform finish on the aluminum.