Caution: Never dive into water of an unknown depth; at least 5 feet is needed for a standing dive from the side of a pool or lake. Check for underwater hazards, such as rocks or logs. People with chronic ear infections or sinus problems should consult their doctors before diving.
The best way to learn a standing forward dive is through a series of confidence-building steps. Start by sitting on the side of the pool with your legs spread. Stretch your arms straight above your head, touching your ears. Lower your head and tuck your chin to your chest. Now, exhale through your nose, then fall downward and forward, continuing to exhale until you resurface. To resurface quickly, turn your hands and head upward.
Next, dive from a kneeling position. Stretch your arms overhead, tuck your chin to your chest, and fall downward and forward. As your kneeling knee leaves the deck, push your hips upward and propel yourself into the water with your feet. Straighten your legs and bring them together as you enter the water.
Now try a standing position. Curl your toes over the edge of the pool, arms overhead. Bend forward at the waist, tuck chin to chest, roll downward and forward, entering the water hands first 2 to 4 feet from the edge. A standing front dive with a spring can be done next. Take the standing dive position, bend your knees and push upward, arching your body slightly, as if passing over an imaginary barrel. Next start a standing dive with arms at your sides. As you spring forward, swing your arms forward and arch your body.