How to choose a beard or mustache with facial hair

A beard or a mustache can enhance or conceal a particular feature and make a man look dashing or distinguished. The effect can be just the opposite, however, if the style isn’t right. The first step is to let the beard or mustache grow. Expect your face to look unkempt during this period. Wash it often with soap and water, and rinse it thoroughly. Be prepared for a bit of discomfort-new hair growth itches. Try an anti-dandruff shampoo if itching persists.

If your beard is curly, prevent ingrown hairs by turning the curly ends away from your skin with tweezers; if you pull out any ingrown hairs, dab the skin with alcohol or astringent. In about 3 weeks, there should be enough growth to begin clipping.

A full, neatly trimmed beard and mustache disguise a narrow face, irregular nose, pointed or weak chin, or receding hairline. A full mustache without beard directs attention away from a big nose, broad face, protruding chin, or low hairline.

Many men assume that beard care is less exacting and time consuming than shaving. In fact, whiskers demand daily care for three reasons: first, they trap dirt and bacteria, so a daily shampoo is necessary; apply conditioner to make the hair soft. Second, whiskers quickly get scruffy if you don’t keep after them. Trim them at least once a week and with each haircut. And trim them only when they’re dry-wet whiskers lie differently than do dry ones. Finally, beards and mustaches can get messy at mealtime; use your napkin often, and after you leave the table, check in a mirror for stray bits of food.