A pump-operated spray can is usually better than a pressurized one because it releases less poison into the air. To avoid the lingering odor of commercial sprays,
carefully mix the ingredients yourself in water (the usual oil base intensifies the smell) and apply the mixture with a trigger sprayer. When using a fogger to fumigate a large area, make sure the target area is sealed off from adjoining areas.
Dusts and powders, including boric acid, are most useful in wall voids, cracks and crevices, in tight spaces, and behind cabinets and appliances where children and pets can’t reach them. Keep them dry: moisture reduces their effectiveness.
Before applying a pesticide to a houseplant, try sponging the plant with warm, soapy water, or treat a localized infestation with rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab. If this fails, and if the weather allows, take the plant outside to spray it; wait until the spray dries before bringing the plant in.
In case of a spill, quickly remove splattered clothing and flush exposed skin with water. Wearing rubber gloves, scatter sand or sawdust to absorb liquid pesticide from the floor: then scoop it into a metal container. Outdoors, flush the spill area with plenty of water. Inside, increase ventilation to a maximum. Consult your local Cooperative Extension Service about the handling and disposal of contaminated material. In case of poisoning, call a poison control center immediately.