- The President-Dear Mr. President: U.S. Vice President
- The Honorable Franklin Jared, Vice President of the United States-Sir: or Dear
- Mr. Vice President:
- U. S. or State Senator
- The Honorable Douglas Jackson, United States Senate or The State Senate-Sir:
- or Dear Senator Jackson:
- U. S. or State Representative
- The Honorable Victor Gonzalez, House of Representatives or The State Assembly-Sir: or Dear Mr. Gonzalez: Judge
- The Honorable Robert M. Wright – Dear Judge Wright:
- Governor
- The Honorable Stephen Benson, Governor of (State)-Sir: or Dear Governor Benson: Mayor
- The Honorable Adam Simons, Mayor of (City)-Sir: or Dear Mr. Mayor: or Dear Mayor Simons
- Catholic Archbishop or Bishop
- The Most Reverend Francis Xavier O’Shea, Archbishop (or Bishop) of (Archdiocese or Diocese)-Your Excellency: or Dear Archbishop (or Bishop) O’Shea: Catholic Priest
- The Reverend Laurence Orson – Reverend Father: or Dear Father Orson: Episcopal Bishop
- The Right Reverend Nigel Damon, Bishop of (Diocese)-Right Reverend Sir: or Dear Bishop Damon:
- Other Protestant Clergymen
- The Reverend Peter S. Bates Reverend Sir: or Dear Mr. Bates: or, if he has a doctorate, The Reverend Dr. Ray Albertson or The Reverend Ray Albertson, D.D.- Reverend Sir: or Dear Dr. Albertson: Rabbi
- Rabbi Mordecai Levy-Dear Rabbi Levy: or, if he has a doctorate, Rabbi Jesse Schwartz, D. D. -Dear Rabbi Schwartz: or Dr. Jesse Schwartz – Dear Dr. Schwartz: