- 1 3-pound chicken, cut into 8 serving pieces
- 4 tablespoons butter
- 3 tablespoons oil
- 16 small white onions
- 1/4 pound fresh mushrooms, quartered
- 4 shallots, minced
- 2 garlic cloves, minced
- 1 cup Chablis
- 1/2 cup heavy cream
- fresh chopped parsley
In skillet melt 3 tablespoons butter with 2 tablespoons oil and brown seasoned chicken on all sides. Transfer chicken to ovenproof casserole. Add remaining 1 tablespoon butter and 1 tablespoon oil to skillet and quickly brown onions, shaking pan often. Remove onions with slotted spoon and add to casserole. Saute mushrooms, shallots, and garlic for 5 minutes, then transfer to casserole.
Pour wine in skillet’ and scrape bottom of pan to release any particles sticking there. Bring to a boil. Pour into casserole, cover, and cook in preheated 350°F. oven for 40 minutes. Remove chicken, onions, and mushrooms to heated serving dish and keep warm. Bring liquid in casserole to a boil on top of the stove and reduce by half. Pour cream into casserole and heat until sauce thickens slightly.
Check seasoning and pour sauce over chicken. Garnish with fresh chopped parsley. Serves 4.