How to toilet train housebreak dogs cats; housebreaking pets

Toilet training cats and dogs. Confine a new cat to a small area (preferably a bathroom) for several days with a new litter box. They learn quickly. After this training period, “accidents” are unlikely. If they occur, see Animal odors. Dogs
A puppy should be taken outside after each meal and every 2 hours in between. Praise it highly when it evacuates in a designated area; positive reinforcement is important.

When you won’t be home to walk a puppy, confine it to a crate. Puppies take to small, confining areas (boxes, under armchairs); it gives them the comfort and security of a nest. And a puppy won’t foul its nest.

When confined to a crate large enough for it to stand up and turn around, a young dog learns to hold its bladder and bowels until released in an approved area. Crates are cage like: some are collapsible, made of stainless-steel wire; others are of durable plastic.

Paper training is another way to housebreak a pup. Confine it to a small area-a back hall, for instance; cover with newspaper that part of the floor where you want it to evacuate.

A puppy can easily forget; place it on the papered section first thing in the morning, after each meal, and at night before you retire. When it uses the newspaper without prompting, reward it with a dog biscuit. If it circles and sniffs, it’s ready to evacuate.

Train an older dog to evacuate outside. Follow the same routine as with paper training. When introducing a paper-trained dog to the outdoors, place newspaper where and when you want it to squat. Being familiar with the method, it will most likely oblige. Gradually you maybe able to do away with newspaper as a reminder and use it (or a scooper) only for cleaning up after your dog.