Another spring holiday, which inspires family and community parties, is Arbor Day or Plant A Tree Day. First observed on April 10, 1872 in Nebraska, an Arbor Day is now observed in every state in the Union, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico but on various dates. It is a legal holiday in Florida the third Friday in January, in Nebraska April 22, in Utah the second Monday in April.
In order to promote the good purpose of Arbor Day, several organizations have been urging that the last Friday of April be selected as National Arbor Day in the northern, middle western, and western states and that families, communities, schools, churches and organizations make it an occasion for planting trees.
Young families with new homes as well as those whose older yards and gardens need refurbishing can plan their own Arbor Day ceremonies. Professional advice on selection of trees and how to plant them is free for the asking from state agricultural colleges; in some states trees are obtainable free through the same source. The job of digging the holes and setting the young trees in place, the watering and other care are family chores in which all members including the youngest toddlers can participate. The setting out of one or more trees in your garden or yard with the promise of shade, beauty, and blossoms in years to come is an event important enough to give it special attention, an occasion for an impromptu party for participants and onlookers: make lemonade or punch in which to toast the new trees, cookies or brownies all around for those who labored.
Following a larger, community or school Arbor Day program, committee members might gather in the family playroom or kitchen for coffee and crullers, or pizza and coffee. Sandwiches made at the table and toasted on a table grill are an alternate. Use the blender to make chocolate milk drinks for young committee members, serve coffee or tea to refresh the grownups.