Travel trivia about Belgium vacations

THEATERS… In Brussels plays in French at Thiatre Royal du Parc, Thiatre du Palais des Beaux Arts, Thiatre des Galeries, Thiatre National, Theatre de Poche.

TIME… Six hours later than United States Eastern Standard Time.

TIPPING … Fifteen per cent is added to your bill at hotels The Grand’Place, Brussels’ square, is the center of activity and historical interest with its fine cafes and shops. The fifteenth-century Town Hall dominates the Grand’Place and is surrounded by guild halls representing characteristic trades. and restaurants; if not, 15 per cent is about the usual amount to tip.

TRANSPORTATION … Good bus service. Taxis, chauffeur-driven cars and drive-yourself cars are plentiful but expensive. Train service is widespread and good.

travel trivia about Belgium vacations photoTOURIST TAXES … BF.5.00 in Brussels and lesser amounts elsewhere.

WATER . may be drunk without danger in any major city.

WHAT TO BUY … Belgian lace from Flanders, linenware, Belgian porcelain, copperware, tapestry, diamonds cut in Antwerp, exquisite jewelry, Belgian crystal, rifles, shotguns and fine cutlery.

WHAT TO WEAR . You do not need evening clothes in this part of Europe. Both men and women should take along medium-weight clothes, with an overcoat for winter. Be sure to take a raincoat and walking shoes and in summer a swimming suit.