LOCATION … Denmark occupies the Jutland peninsula, protruding north from Germany between Norway and Sweden, and includes a group of nearby islands, of which Funen and Zealand, where Copenhagen is located, are the largest.
CHARACTERISTICS … Denmark is one of the tidiest countries in Europe. Everything is bright and shining. The people are genial and gay, the food is wonderful and plentiful and the bars never close. Good hotels, night clubs, restaurants, shops and a palace at which the guard is changed at high noon when the King is in residence. Yachting and fishing are superb.
POPULATION … Estimated 4,500,000, about twice the population of Philadelphia.
SIZE …16,575 square miles, about half the size of Maine. No part of the country is more than 40 miles from the open sea.
CAPITAL … Copenhagen, a city of a million and a quarter inhabitants, about half the size of Philadelphia.
GOVERNMENT … A constitutional monarchy, the crown holding power with the Folketinget, or Parliament.
HOW TO GET THERE 10 hours (elapsed time) from New York. By ship about 10 days.
ACCOMMODATIONS There are a number of fine hotels in Copenhagen. The d’Angleterre has long been famous for its distinguished service and delightful sidewalk cafe. Rates for a single room are about $6 to $11 per day. Other fine hotels are the Palace and Imperial situated in the heart of town. Rates are $5 to $10 single. Other highly recommended hotels also conveniently located are the Alexandra, Astoria, Europa, Richmond, Mercur and Terminus. Rates from $5 to $7 single. The new, large Hotel 3 Falke (3 Falcons) is five minutes away by taxi. Rates from $6.50 single. Rates at the new Royal in the air terminal are $6 to $10 single, $12.50 to $21 double. Budget accommodations are available at the Mission Hotels (non-religious but rather conservative) for $1.50 to $2.50. Rates quoted do not include the 15 per cent service charge. Between October and April some hotels reduce their rates.