ARTS .. You could spend all your sightseeing time seeing the wonderful museums of Copenhagen alone. Here are a few of the most outstanding. The National Museum has outstanding collections from the time of the Vikings and other periods in Danish history. The Arsenal has a famous display of arms, armor and uniforms. In Rosenborg Palace you will enjoy seeing the regalia of the Danish kings. The Kunstindustrimuseet houses a fascinating collection of arts and crafts of Denmark and foreign countries from the Middle Ages to the present time. The world-famous Museum of Musical Instruments is in the same building. The Hirschsprung Collection of Danish art is an interesting and representative exhibit. The Thorvaidsen Museum contains the works, tomb and the personal effects of Thorvaldsen, one of Denmark’s greatest masters. The State Museum of Art has fine paintings from the Danish Renaissance. The Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek contains an antique collection and a French collection.
BALLET … The Danish Royal Ballet Company is one of the finest in the world. Season at the Royal Theater in Copenhagen is September through May.
BANKS … The three leading banks in Copenhagen are: Landmandsbanken, Handelsbanken, Privatbanken, with branch offices all over the city. Banking hours are: 10:00 to 3:00; Saturdays, 10:00 to 1:00; Fridays also 4:30 to 6:00 P.M. American Express Office is located at Dagmarhus, H. C. Andersens Boulevard 12.
CALENDAR OF HOLIDAYS … New Year’s Day; March 11, King’s Birthday; five-day holiday from Maundy Thursday to Easter Monday; Store Bededag (public holiday fourth Friday after Easter); Ascension Day; June 5, Constitution Day; Christmas; December 26, Boxing Day. Other celebrations are June 23, Midsummer Night and July 4, Celebration itt the Danish-American National Park in Rebild.
CLIMATE … All of Denmark is warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer than the Northeastern section of the United States. The winter temperatures seldom go below 30 degrees and summer averages around 68 degrees. The Gulf Stream keeps the climate equable. Best time to visit Denmark is from the middle of April to November.
CLUBS … There are many clubs of all kinds in Denmark. Ask the Personal Information Department of the National Travel Association of Denmark for information about clubs which may interest 44-Denmark you. Address in Copenhagen: 5-7 Banegaardspladsen (opposite the Central Station) .
COMMON COURTESIES AND LOCAL CUSTOMS … “Thank You” (Tak) is the most often heard phrase in Denmark. You shake hands when you meet people and when you leave. Bring flowers when invited to dinner at a private home or send them ahead. Time is referred to as half of the next hour rather than half past an hour; for example, 6:30 is called “half-seven.”
COMMUNICATIONS … There are excellent telephone, cable and telegraph facilities all over Denmark.
CURRENCY The krone is the principal unit, worth 6.92 kroner to the dollar. (Buying rate 6.82.)
CUSTOMS REGULATIONS AND DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR UNITED STATES CITIZENS … Your American passport is all you need to enter Denmark. No visa. Bring your international driver’s license if you plan to hire a car. If you are not living at a hotel, you must register with the local police. You can bring in and out unlimited amounts of foreign currency, but only 500 Danish kroner. Other duty-free imports are: 400 cigarettes or 300 grams of cigars or tobacco, 2 bottles of liquor.