Here are the suffixes:
* algia (G) pain: cardialgia, pain in the heart.
* asis or -osis (G) affected with: leukocytosis, excess number of leukocytes.
* asthenia (G) weakness: neurathenia, nervous weakness.
* blast (G) germ: myeloblast, bone-marrow cell.
* cele (G) tumor, hernia: enterocele, any hernia of intestine.
* clysis (G) injection: hypodermoclysis, injection under the skin.
* coccus (G) round bacterium: pneumococcus, bacteria of pneumonia.
* cyte (G) cell: leukocyte, white cell.
* ectasis ( G ) dilation, stretching: angiectasis, dilatation of a blood vessel. This is really the same ending as asis or osis, and the word for stretching comes from the Greek, ekt or ect.
* ectomy ( G) excision: adenectomy, excision of adenoids.
* emia (G) blood: glycemia, sugar in blood.
* esthesia ( G ) ( noun) relating to sensation: anesthesia, absence of feeling.
* genic ( G ) producing: pyogenic, producing pus.
* iatrics ( G ) pertaining to a physician or the practice of healing (medicine) : pediatrics, science of medicine for children.
* itis (G) inflammation: tonsillitis, inflammation of tonsils.
* logy ( G ) science of: pathology, science of disease.
* lysis (G) losing, flowing, dissolution: autolysis, dissolution of tissue cells.
* malacia ( G ) softening: osteomalacia, softening of bone.
* oma (G) tumor: myoma, tumor made up of muscle elements.
* osis ( -asis ) ( G ) being affected with: atherosis, arteriosclerosis.
* (o) stomy (G) creation of an opening: gastronomy, creation of an artificial gastric fistula.
* ( o ) tomy ( G ) cutting into: laparotomy, surgical incision into abdomen.
* pathy (G) disease: myopathy, disease of a muscle.
* penia (G) lack of: leukopenia, lack of white blood cells.
* pexy (G) to fix: proctopexy, fixation of rectum by suture.
* phagia ( G ) eating: polyphagia, excessive eating.
* phasia ( G ) speech: aphasia, loss of power of speech.
* phobia ( G ) fear: hydrophobia, fear of water.
* plasty ( G) molding: gastroplasty, molding or re-forming stomach.
* poiesis ( G ) making, forming: hematopoiesis, forming blood.
* pnea (G ) air or breathing: dyspnea, difficult breathing.
* ptosis ( G ) falling: enteroptosis, falling of intestine.
* rhythmia ( G ) rhythm: arrhythmia, variation from normal rhythm of heart.
* rrhagia ( G ) flowing or bursting forth: otorrhagia, hemorrhage from ear.
* rrhaphy ( G ) suture of: enterorrhaphy, act of sewing up gap in intestine.
* rrhea ( G ) discharge: otorrhea, discharge from ear.
* rrhexis ( G ) rupture: cardiorrhexis, rupture of heart.
* sthen ( ia ) ( ic ) ( G ) pertaining to strength: asthenia, loss of strength.
* taxia or -taxis ( G ) order, arrangement of: ataxia, failure of muscular coordination.
* trophia or -trophy ( G ) nourishment: atrophy, wasting, or diminution.
* ulation ( G ) act of: auscultation, listening for sound in body.
* uria (G) to do with urine: polyuria, excessive secretion of urine.