Here are some common medical first words:
* Acr- (G) pertaining to extremity: acrodermatitis, a dermatitis of the limbs.
* Aden- (G) pertaining to a gland: adenitis, inflammation of a gland.
* Bio- (G) pertaining to life: biopsy, inspection of living organism (or tissue).
* Bleph- (G) pertaining to eyelids: bleph-
* aritis, inflammation of an eyelid.
* Cardi- (G) pertaining to heart: cardialgia, pain in the heart.
* Cephal- (G) pertaining to head: cephalalgia, headache.
* Cheil- (G) pertaining to lip: cheilitis, inflammation of the lip.
* Cheir- (G) pertaining to hand: cheirospasm, writer’s cramp.
* Chole- (G) pertaining to bile: cholecyst, the gallbladder.
* Chondr- (G) pertaining to cartilage: chondrectomy, removal of a cartilage.
* Cleid- (G) pertaining to clavicle: cleidocostal, pertaining to clavicle and ribs.
* Colp- (G) pertaining to vagina: colporrhagia, vaginal hemorrhage.
* Cost- (G) pertaining to rib: costalgia, pain in the ribs.
* Crani- (L) pertaining to skull: craniotomy, surgical opening in skull.
* Crypt- (G) pertaining to anything hidden: cryptogenic, of hidden or unknown origin.
* Cyst- (G) pertaining to any fluid-containing sac: cystitis, inflammation of the bladder.
* Cyt- (G) pertaining to a cell: cystometer, a device for counting and measuring cells.
* Daery- (G) pertaining to lachrymal glands: dacryocyst, tear-sac.
* Derm- or dermat- (G) pertaining to skin: dermatoid, skinlike.
* Encephal- (G) pertaining to brain: encephalitis, inflammation of brain.
* Enter- (G) pertaining to intestine: enteroptosis, falling of intestine.
* Galaet- (G) pertaining to milk: galactose, a milk-sugar.
* Gastr- (G) pertaining to stomach: gastrectomy, excision of the stomach.
* Gynec- (G) pertaining to woman: gynecology, science of diseases pertaining to women.
* Hem- or hemat- (G) pertaining to the blood: hemopoiesis, forming blood.
* Hyster- (G) pertaining to uterus: hysterectomy, excision of uterus.