How to invite people to an engagement party

If a buffet supper is easier to prepare and serve, and this is the case in a maidless home, there is no reason why such a supper should not replace a dinner, especially if the guest list is large. It is the preferred form of entertaining for most people today.
Invitations Like the dinner or supper, the invitation for this occasion must be adapted to the family concerned.

It may be telephoned, given in person, or written to relatives at a distance about two weeks before the date of the dinner. Formality of phraseology is usually absent from it since this is a family affair. A mother might write, using her stationery which has her name, address, and telephone number on it:


Dear Grace,


George and I are having some friends of our Gene and Scott Freeman into supper on Saturday night, May 5th for a very informal announcement party. We want very much to have you and Phil join us. Please do phone and say you will be here. The time is seven-thirty.
