Belgium is nestled among France, Germany, Luxembourg, and The Netherlands, with 43 miles of coast line. Its oldest and most important coastal city, Ostend, is only 55 miles from Dover. Brussels is less than 1 hour’s flying time by Jet Clipper from London, and is within easy reach of most European countries.
This charming country with its wonderful museums, long stretches of beaches and gay cafes is a marvelous place to take a holiday. It is clean, modern, honest and very, very gay. You’ll eat some of the finest food on the Continent.
Estimated 9,000,000. Belgium is the most densely populated country id Europe. The population of Brussels and suburbs, the largest center, is 1,250,000.
A small compact country of 11,755 square miles, Belgium is approximately the size of Maryland. The distance between its farthest points is less than 200 miles.
Brussels. Not only the capital of Belgium, but the heart and center of the country, it’s one of the largest and most beautiful cities in Europe. Brussels is also the center of the country’s banking and commercial activity and is the Provisional Center of European Common Market Activities.
A constitutional monarchy with a parliament elected by universal suffrage.